Saturday 15 October 2011

Cupcake, Cupcake?

It's a philosophical business cake making. While you're mixing, baking, waiting for it to cool, making icing and decorating, your hands are busy, you're concentrating, but your mind can wander. As I whipped up a huge batch of cupcakes for my latest order I had an epiphany and I thought I'd share it with you.

Up until now if someone called me cupcake I'd have been very tempted to hit them with my wooden spoon. It seems such a patronising, back-handed put me down.  You don't call a bloke cupcake so why me? After hours of baking these sweet nothings I think I've changed my mind. After all, what is a cup-cake? It's a light, tasty, yummy thing, topped off with a big swirl of loveliness. So, if you want to call me cup-cake, do, and thank you, much appreciated.

Oh yes and of course - I make cupcakes!

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