Saturday 8 October 2011

Away with the Fairies

WHAT was I thinking? It seemed like such a good idea to take this commission but in retrospect I think it might have been the Cava talking. Well I can't let the side down now, there are a whole bunch of children and one special birthday girl who can't have a party without a cake.

So back onto Google images with my creative director (my nearly 3 year old is a career girl already) and she selected a beautiful but difficult looking fairy cake. Oh no, not one of those ones you cut the lid off and in half to make 'wings', a two storey toadstool house adorned in pastel coloured fairies. OKAY.

Down to business. Miracle of miracles I didn't have to bake two cakes this time, which is maybe as well because I'd decided to make some cupcakes for them as well as a little thank you for my first order. The cake was baked and cooling so I made up the buttercream and icing. Ready to rock and roll. It all came together quite well actually, my biggest problem was little fingers stealing my fairies as soon as they were made.  We got there in the end though and I'm really pleased with the result. I hope my friend is too.

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